A technique of deep yogic relaxation Yoga Nidra means ‘Psychic sleep’; a state of conscious sleep where one is on the borderline between wakefulness and sleep. It is a guided process of relaxation to quieten the agitations of the conscious mind and awaken the awareness and immense healing potential of the subconscious. In Yoga Nidra, the practitioner is on the threshold of the subconscious plane from where one can release the hidden psychic tensions of consciousness.
A Chakra cleansing technique Chakra Shuddhi means ‘purification of the energy/psychic centres’. It is one of the most important techniques of Kundalini Yoga. Chakras are the subtle energy centres present in the psychic body. Chakra Shuddhi cleanses the entire chakra system through guided awareness and psychic mantras. It brings about a deep transformation or wholeness in personality.
Candle meditation Means ‘Steady gazing’. It acts as a stepping-stone between physically oriented cleansing and meditation practices. It improves memory and helps to develop concentration and will power.