60 mins - $120

A traditional synchronized full body massage given by two experienced Ayurveda therapists using herbal infused sesame oil; this experience is also known as the ‘four-handed-massage’. Abhyanga improves physical consistency, sleep patterns and eye sight. It helps to liquefy toxins and induces relaxation, whilst eliminating impurities. Often referred to as an anti ageing therapy.

60 mins - $120

Luke warm herbal oil is poured in an even stream on to the forehead to pacify and revitalize the mind and the body. As well as its intense rejuvenating and anti-aging effects, Shirodhara improves memory, addresses other neurological disorders, normalizes sleep patterns and blood pressure.

Kati Vasti
30 mins - $60

Practiced to ease pain in the spinal area. A reservoir made of black gram or wheat flour is placed strategically on the spinal area. Warmed oil is then poured into this depression. The treatment soothes muscular tissue, alleviates pain and lubricates the discs and nerves.